So in theory now, your emails should be generating, and sitting ready to go. This is because the batch jobs that are needed in Talent to run workflows and generate notifications are on by default. The batch job used to send the emails however, needs to be activated.
First of all, check that your emails are generating and being added to the queue, by checking the email send log. You can find this under System Administration > Links > Email > Email sending status. If your workflow is running OK, you should see an email sitting in here waiting to go. Its status will be ‘Waiting’.
To run the batch job to kick out the emails, use the menu item System Administration > Links > Email > Email distributor batch. This will open a pane which, if you just click ok, will run the batch job once, kick out any emails in the queue, and then stop. If you want to set up regular email notification you need to set a recurrence, by clicking on the recurrence tab and selecting your end date and recurrence interval. My top tip during testing and set up would be to run it once and see what happens. Once you’re sure everything works, then you can set it to run every 10 minutes or whatever. My personal preference for this is about every 30 minutes – leave requests are rarely more urgent than that – but remember you’re setting this recurrence for ALL emails, not just leave requests. If you’ve got anything that must be notified more quickly than every 30 minutes, you’ll need to set this job to run more frequently.
And that’s it. Hopefully, if you’ve tested your setup at each stage, you should find that checking the email send log now shows your email as ‘Sent’. If it doesn’t though, there are some troubleshooting tips in the next post.
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